Posted on April 17, 2018
Ensuring everyone is afforded the dignity so many of us take for granted. Share The Dignity work directly benefits women in crisis.
Every. Single. Day.
In March 2015 Rochelle Courtenay asked friends to help her collect pads and tampons to help out local homeless in her area of Brisbane. That first small collection led to the birth of Share the Dignity and there bi-annual #DignityDrives.
Every April and August they ask the public to donate pads and tampons to collection points throughout the country. At the end of the month Share The Dignity donate the thousands of packets of unopened sanitary products to there partner charities.
Since December 2017 The Lab Organics Carlton store have been asking for a gold coin donation for gift wrapping in store. The gift wrap has been beautifully designed by a Melbourne artist Emma Kate printed on 100% recycled Australian paper and printed locally in South Australia. As of today we have raised over $1000, our Sanitary item donations will be purchased from our friends at Tom Organics in support of this incredibly important dignity drive running through April & August
Donate to a women’s charity that makes a real, on-the-ground difference to homeless women and victims of domestic violence. Share The Dignity collects thousands of pads, tampons and personal hygiene products every YEAR for women experiencing homelessness and poverty. Small dignities make a big difference.
And we need help from KIND HEARTED PEOPLE like you because your small act of kindness gives monthly dignity to Australia’s most vulnerable women.
If you are unable to donate in our Carlton Store please find your local collection point local collection point
Join the campaign for dignity
Every. Single. Day.
In March 2015 Rochelle Courtenay asked friends to help her collect pads and tampons to help out local homeless in her area of Brisbane. That first small collection led to the birth of Share the Dignity and there bi-annual #DignityDrives.
Every April and August they ask the public to donate pads and tampons to collection points throughout the country. At the end of the month Share The Dignity donate the thousands of packets of unopened sanitary products to there partner charities.
Since December 2017 The Lab Organics Carlton store have been asking for a gold coin donation for gift wrapping in store. The gift wrap has been beautifully designed by a Melbourne artist Emma Kate printed on 100% recycled Australian paper and printed locally in South Australia. As of today we have raised over $1000, our Sanitary item donations will be purchased from our friends at Tom Organics in support of this incredibly important dignity drive running through April & August
Donate to a women’s charity that makes a real, on-the-ground difference to homeless women and victims of domestic violence. Share The Dignity collects thousands of pads, tampons and personal hygiene products every YEAR for women experiencing homelessness and poverty. Small dignities make a big difference.
And we need help from KIND HEARTED PEOPLE like you because your small act of kindness gives monthly dignity to Australia’s most vulnerable women.
If you are unable to donate in our Carlton Store please find your local collection point local collection point
Join the campaign for dignity