5 Common Skin Conditions – And How To Care For Them
Some of the more common skin conditions can be found below along with some of our product recommendations we usually prescribe. Not all are included, and some are identified within the broader umbrella term.
Acne, in the simplest explanation, is essentially an overproduction of oil and a build-up of bacteria. Areas of the skin that have the largest number of functional oil glands, such as the face, neck, chest, back and shoulders, are often affected. It can present differently for everyone–whiteheads, blackheads, comedones, cysts–and often there is not just one reason they present.Today, there is a huge increase in acne sufferers worldwide. 80% of adolescents and 65% of all adults suffer from acne, and its influences can be skin and make up products, environment changes, food and lifestyle and an out-of-balance microbiome. More often than not, it is a hormonal imbalance–from getting off the pill, deficiencies, monthly cycles–the list truly goes on.
To treat acne, it’s usually the opposite of what our teenage selves were taught–that moisture is imperative to our skin in check. Particularly because acne-prone skin often goes hand-in-hand with an impaired barrier, we need to nurture the skin back to optimal resilience before treating the acne per se. Gentle cleansers, soothing oils (yes, oils!) and a clay mask to purify the skin.
As for treatment products that can immediately relieve the affected area, try Odacite’s Bl&C Serum or Osea’s Blemish Balm. Try encouraging blood circulation to assist with wound healing with Josh Rosebrook’s Cacao Antioxidant Mask.
Pigmentation, or hyperpigmentation, is the darkening of the skin in localised patches or sometimes this occurs in widespread areas in generalised hyperpigmentation. Hormonal fluctuations, sun exposure, inflammation, ageing and certain medications can result in an overproduction of melanin (pigment) from melanocytes (pigment producing cells).There are many forms of pigmentation on the skin–and they do each require different approaches to treatment. Sunspots and freckles are common as they involve the natural ageing process and sun exposure. Malesma is a skin condition that presents as brownish discolouration and patches on the forehead, cheeks and moustache area, usually as a result of hormonal factors such as the oral contraceptive pill, pregnancy, genetics and sun exposure. Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation is one of the other common forms of pigmentation. This form is classified as a reaction due to inflammation such as acne scarring, or even using the result of laser treatments on skin with a higher pigment.
Sunscreen is the most overlooked and yet most essential treatment from pigmentation. Even if you have already suffered from discolouration, it’s a fantastic preventative. Using a zinc-based sunscreen aims to address underlying scarring as zinc can work to lift pigment in the skin. Try Josh Rosebrook’s Nutrient Day Cream SPF 30.
There is enough research to support Vitamin C is a potent antioxidant, augmenting sun protection when combined with a broad based sunscreen. Most importantly in hyperpigmentation, it inhibits over-production of melanin. For a power-packed pure vitamin C treatment, try Agent Nateur’s Holi (C) Powder. Mix a tiny amount with toner, essence or hyaluronic acid to deliver the goodness into the skin. Retinol used at night is fantastic to break up pigment clumps and recalibrate skin renewal, try Pestle & Mortar’s Superstar Retinol Night Oil as a targeted treatment.
Dehydrated skin is a condition where the skin is lacking in water (rather than in dry skin where oil lacks). Dehydration can be a result of seasonal changes, lack of sleep, cold weather, air conditioning, harsh skin care or even hot showers as the heat absorbs the moisture. In this state, the skin can feel dull, tight, enlarged pores, accelerated signs of ageing.Dehydration is often a temporary condition, fluctuating with seasons or food intake. It’s almost always something that can be treated with proper care within 14 days.
A gentle cleanser to soothe any fragile skin that may be thinning as a result. Choose to add a milky, cream or hydrating cleanser with a warm washcloth to compress the skin–try Sodashi's Rejuvenating Clay Cleanser. A water-based serum to replenish the cells to replenish the loss of water, like Osea’s Hyaluronic Sea Serum. A treatment, mask or oil, is essential to lock in the water and avoid any moisture loss from the skin–try Josh Rosebrook’s Vital Balm morning and night for a rich treatment.
Redness is usually associated with inflammatory skin conditions such as rosacea, eczema, psoriasis. You don’t always have to suffer from these skin conditions to experience redness or flushing, however it is often linked to an internal response. It is usually a response by dilated blood vessels – however can also be associated with skin that has suffered from any of the conditions above. You may notice your skin is more sensitive to particular ingredients or that you just simply cannot tolerate some products.
Skin in this state needs consistent calming, soothing and nurturing products to keep it protected from the elements while rebalancing heat or inflammation in the face. For an immediate relief, try MV's Signature Mineral Mask. It provides an instant cooling effect to the skin, while softening and re-strengthening the skin’s matrix.
For this skin condition, you must protect your skin from the elements in the daytime. Try MV’s Rose Protective & Soothing Moisturiser to provide a physical block between wind and pollution and the skin. To treat in the evening, using pure botanical oils to assist with repair and restoration in the evening – MV’s Daily Soother Booster is perfect to restore skin that has been damaged from the environment.
Interestingly, sensitised skin is different to sensitive skin. Sensitive skin is a skin type – something you are born with – inherently from your family bloodline and genetic composition. Sensitised skin is one that has been affected by the environment. It has a lot of overlap with redness and dehydration, however isn’t always mutually exclusive. Usually, sensitised skin is a result of using overly harsh products over a long period of time, like the feeling of using a cleanser that evokes a tight feeling on the skin.The main result of sensitised skin is an impaired skin barrier, and eventually, this condition will require hydration and nourishment to repair the damage done. Sensitised or impaired skin that is left untreated has the ability to become worsened over time as it is left exposed to environmental factors. This could result in conditions of congestion or acne, dehydration, enlarged pores and/or redness. To treat sensitised skin, try introducing a gentle yet nourishing cream cleanser such as the MV Gentle Cream Cleanser. It’s thicker consistency gently cleanses the skin without stripping the skin of its natural oils – in fact, encourages the flow of oil production again.
Try to incorporate a nourishing and anti-inflammatory oil such as MV’s Rose Plus Booster, while finally, treat once a week with Sodashi's Gentle Repair White Clay Mask, the perfect pick-me-up for irritated skin.